Work Gift Etiquette: How to Give the Perfect Christmas Gift at Work
Christmas gifts in the office can show appreciation and strengthen your workplace relationships. In this guide, you will find business gift etiquette tips for the office, gift ideas for coworkers, and how to avoid awkward situations.

Exchanging gifts can foster a healthy and professional culture at work. Christmas gifts are a great way to celebrate the holiday season, show gratitude to your boss, coworkers, and subordinates, and create a more effective team. But here are some questions: what are the best gifts for coworkers, and what not to give at work? How much should you spend on a gift to a coworker or boss? What is the best way to exchange presents? Keep reading to have all your questions answered.
Why give Christmas gifts to people at work?
Normally, gift-giving in the office is not mandatory, but here’s why it is a good idea:
- Foster trust and cooperation – workplace gifts can express gratitude and goodwill, improving your relationships in the office and fostering collaboration the next year.
- Improve personal connections – as people choose gifts for coworkers, they learn more about them which can strengthen personal bonds.
- Express gratitude – giving Christmas gifts to employees is a way to show appreciation and increase employee loyalty and job satisfaction.
Etiquette rules for workplace gifts
When preparing a present for your boss or colleague, be thoughtful and follow proper business etiquette. Here are the guidelines to ease your choice.
Know your company’s and industry regulations
Before you buy a present for someone at work, familiarize yourself with the company’s policy on gift-giving. Some companies limit the price of workplace gifts or prohibit gifts whatsoever to maintain professionalism and prevent conflicts of interest. Moreover, in industries like healthcare and financial services, there are sensitive policies about gift-giving to prevent bribery.
Thus, even a small present to your boss might be perceived as an attempt to influence a decision-maker. Studying the industry and corporate regulations will help you avoid such situations.
Stick to a reasonable gift budget
According to office etiquette, it’s best not to give extravagant presents to coworkers. It can make them uncomfortable, especially if they don’t give a present of the same value for you. Even if the person helped you with that large project in November, it is best to choose something small and thoughtful. When choosing a gift for your boss, buy something less expensive than they do.
The optimal price range for workplace gifts is $20-30. This amount is enough to buy a nice and thoughtful gift. If everyone in your team is okay with it, you can spend around $50-60 on a gift.
Make it personalized
It’s not a gift but a thought that counts. So, remember to keep your gift personalized to the person’s interests. Take the time to know more about your coworker. Talk to them casually a few times, study their social media, and ask around about what they like or dislike. A thoughtful gift can improve your relationship with a coworker, so choose wisely!
Consider cultural differences
Today’s workplace has people with different religious and cultural backgrounds, and it is important to mind these differences. Some people might not celebrate Christmas or have a different religion.
If you aren’t sure about the coworker’s or boss’s preferences, bring a neutral and inclusive gift that will not offend anyone. For example, it is best to avoid alcohol as the recipient might not consume it, or knives or letter openers that convey a negative meaning in some cultures.
Be careful with humor
When exchanging gifts with friends, we often bring something humorous and fun. Yet, it is best not to use this attitude for workplace presents. The coworker might perceive your gag gift as vulgar or offensive, making everyone uncomfortable. Whenever in doubt, choose a neutral gift that doesn’t carry cultural baggage.
If you want to give something funny, keep your humor gentle and workplace-related.
Avoid too personal gifts
Bringing a personal or intimate gift to a coworker violates business etiquette. Such a gift can lead to a misunderstanding or even land you in the HR office. Bad examples of gifts for coworkers include jewelry, clothes, underwear, dietary supplements, self-help books, and perfume.
Be grateful
You will also receive a gift from your boss or colleague. Even if you are not excited about the gift, don’t show dissatisfaction and thank the person anyway. Remember that the person took an effort to choose and wrap it for you, so they deserve at least a heartwarming “Thank you, I appreciate it”.
Add a personalized note
When preparing a gift for your boss or coworker, attach a personalized note with sincere wishes. It will make your gift more personal and make the recipient feel valued. Remember to keep the message professional just like the gift.

Organize a gift exchange
A gift swap is a great way to exchange gifts with coworkers. For example, Secret Santa has the element of the game and excitement, as nobody knows who buys a present for whom until the exchange day. Plus, such a game will involve everyone, so nobody in your office feels left out.
Here are the Secret Santa office rules. Participants draw names to determine who gives a present to whom, and secretly prepare a gift for the assigned person. On the exchange day, everyone brings a gift to the office and people unwrap their presents trying to guess who it came from.
The MySanta app can streamline your Secret Santa exchange and make it run smoothly this year. Here’s why your team can benefit from using it:
- Exchange gifts in person or remotely – with the app, you can exchange presents with coworkers who live far away, and keep the ties between employees strong.
- Draw names in seconds – each player signs up to join the game, and the organizer draws names. After that, everyone sees to whom they will buy a present, and the results are saved.
- Secret chats – each player can secretly talk to their giftee and find out their preferences and interests.
- Use wishlists – participants share their gift wishes and can even add specific items to their wishlist. This takes the pressure off as each Santa knows exactly what to buy for their assigned coworker.
- Keep track of everything – the person who organized the game sees who gives a present to whom and who already bought a gift, and can send reminders.
The Secret Santa can promote equality and ensure that no one is left out. Moreover, it turns the gift exchange into a fun activity as everyone has to guess “Who is my Santa this year?”.

Christmas gift ideas for work
If, despite all recommendations, you’re still not sure about what to give a coworker, subordinate, or boss, here are a few ideas for workplace-appropriate gifts.
Office supplies | Diary or planner, sticky notes, high-quality pen, desk organizer, charging cable, mug warmer, photo frame |
Experience gifts | Virtual wine tasting, movie or concert tickets, spa day, pottery class, restaurant or food gift card |
Practical gifts | Hand crème set, hand warmer, computer glasses, phone charger, warm blanket, bottle opener |
Food and drinks | Box of chocolates or pastry, Christmas cookies, set of spices, jam, cheese board, snack box, olive oil, a bottle of wine |
Creative gifts | Galaxy and star projector, wooden massager, business books, personalized mug or T-shirt, essential oil diffuser, ornament |
Exchanging gifts with your coworkers is a great way to celebrate the season and strengthen your relationships in the following year. Bring something that matches the person’s interests, but be sure to follow the business etiquette to keep it appropriate.
How should I wrap and present a workplace gift?
Keep your gift packaging professional and tasteful, opting for neutral or festive wrapping paper without overly personal elements. Ensure the wrapping is neat and presentable, and include a card with your wishes. You can present the gift during the Christmas office party or, if you do Secret Santa, put it under the tree so that the recipient doesn't see who it came from.
How do I handle Secret Santa if I don’t know my recipient well?
When buying a Secret Santa gift for a coworker, choose a generic, universally appreciated gift that meets the company's norms and policies. Examples of such gifts are high-quality stationery, a gift card to a coffee shop, business book, or good chocolate. In the MySanta app, you can communicate with your giftee in the anonymous chat and know about their preferences without revealing yourself.
What’s the best way to navigate workplace gift-giving when working remotely?
You can organize a remote holiday gift exchange and send all presents by mail. If you organize the game using our app, all participants can add their address and send each other gifts. Or, you can exchange digital gift cards and subscription gifts to streamline the logistics.