The Ultimate Guide To Organizing Secret Santa With Friends

Playing a Secret Santa with friends is a fun way to celebrate the holiday season. If your friends live far away, you can exchange presents by mail and strengthen your friendship in the distance. This guide will help you host a fun gift exchange and ensure that everybody gets the present they want. 

Play Secret Santa with friends

Secret Santa game helps you save on presents, as each participant buys only one gift for the assigned person. Plus, Secret Santa keeps the mystery and suspense of the holiday season alive, as nobody knows who gives a present to whom. 

To organize a festive Secret Santa exchange, you need a minimum of three participants. Keep reading to learn how to draw names, choose good gifts, and organize a memorable gift exchange.

5 Easy Steps to Organize Secret Santa With Friends

Suggest playing Secret Santa this year, and if your friends like the idea, the fun begins! Here is how to play Secret Santa with friends:

1. Set gift budget

Set the budget for gifts to keep the exchange equal. For a Secret Santa exchange with friends, people usually aim at $15-20 budget, but you can set any limit that works for your group, or agree to exchange homemade presents.

2. Organize the name draw

Gather all participant together to draw names from the hat. Each player writes their name and a few gift ideas on paper. Next, all players draw names from the hat to find out who gives to whom.

There is a faster way to draw names for Secret Santa with an online generator. You can set exceptions, and the results of the draw are saved. Plus, with an online organizer, you can add wishlists and keep track of gifts.

3. Decide on a theme

Introduce a fun Secret Santa theme to make your exchange more festive and exciting. You can exchange clothes, books, tech gifts, self-care items, or eco-friendly presents.

4. Set the rules

To make the Secret Santa exchange comfortable for everyone, set the rules. Decide how you want to exchange gifts (in person or online), what gifts are not appropriate, and set date when everyone should buy gifts. It will help you avoid delays during the busy holiday season. Agree on when and where you will exchange presents and plan other activities to liven up the party.

5. Plan a fun reveal

On the gift exchange day, put all gifts under the tree or at the table where everyone see them. Players take turns to unwrap presents in turn and guess their Secret Santa. Plan more fun activities in addition to revealing Secret Santa to liven up the party and keep everyone entertained!

Did you know? Reddit broke the world record for the largest Secret Santa exchange. Over 89,000 people, including Bill Gates, Snoop Dogg, and other famous people participated in the global gift exchange. 

How To Draw Names for Secret Santa 

The Secret Santa activity starts with drawing names to find out who gives presents to whom. There are two ways to do it. 

Old-fashioned way with a hat 

In traditional Secret Santa, all players gather in one room and write their names on pieces of paper with gift suggestions. People draw names and then prepare presents for the player whose name they have drawn. This method is a charming classic, but it is not suitable if you want to set exception or play with friends who live far away.

Using an online Secret Santa generator 

There is a fast and modern way to draw names using an online generator. With our MySanta online organizer, you can exchange presents in person or online, and everything is recorded. even if your friends are far away and it is not possible to meet in person this Christmas.

Here are some helpful features: 

  1. Add players quickly. Invite players by email or QR code, or ask everyone to join using an invite link. 
  2. Set exceptions. If some friends don’t get along well, you can set exceptions to avoid tension at the party.
  3. Add the gift wishes. Each player writes in their profile what they want to get for Christmas and what not to give them. Plus, you can add specific gifts with links to make it easier for your Santa to choose a present.
  4. Anonymous chats. Talk to your giftee anonymously and find out what the person wants.
  5. See gift progress. The game host can see who bought a gift and who hasn't and send a reminder.
Try our online Secret Santa generator
Play Secret Santa with friends and enjoy the holiday vibe! Exchange gifts in person or online, add wishlists, and monitor gifts so that each participant gets their present.
Try our online Secret Santa generator

Fun Secret Santa Variations With Friends

To give your Secret Santa a creative twist, try these variations of the exchange:

Secret Santa with hints 

Guessing the Secret Santa is always a lot of fun and laughter. To make the guessing even more exciting, add a card with clues about your identity. You can use a rhymed riddle or just a few words that came to your mind. Don’t use obvious clues, such as the first letter of your name, your job, or the neighborhood where you live. Make them creative and Christmassy and everyone in your group will have fun! 

Example: I'm someone who knows your favorite treat, and I've seen you wearing that blue scarf all week.

Gift-guessing game

Before opening the gift, each player guesses what their gift is based on the gift wrapping, shape, and size. If the player guesses it right, they get an extra gift or a small prize, which adds more fun and anticipation to the exchange.

Themed Secret Santa

Based on the hobbies or shared memories of your group, you can set a creative theme for gifts. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: players will look forward to nice gifts, and choosing gifts will be much easier for each Secret Santa. You can go even further and organize a themed party with a dress code, themed decor, and music.

Secret Santa creative gift themes for friends

  1. Practical gifts
  2. Anything green or pink
  3. Marvel-themed gifts
  4. DIY creations
  5. Cozy and warm items
  6. Eco-friendly gifts
  7. 90s nostalgia
Secret Santa with friends
Organize the ugly sweater party to make your Secret Santa more fun! Image courtesy of

White Elephant

White Elephant is a popular way to exchange gifts where you don't buy a present to one designated person. Everyone bring wrapped gifts of the same value and put them on the table. After that, players take turns to choose a new wrapped gift or steal an opened gift from the other player. It gives a playful, competitive edge to the traditional exchange.

Secret Santa Scavenger Hunt

To make your gift exchange more interactive, combine the features of the two games this Christmas. Each player buys a present for one assigned person as usual, and also creates riddles and clues about where the gift is hidden. Keep your clues clear but still challenging to make the hunt enjoyable. This variation will enhance the gift-giving experience and is perfect for a small group of friends.

Also Read:
7 Ultimate ideas to play Secret Santa with a twist
7 Ultimate ideas to play Secret Santa with a twist

Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Friends 

Choosing a present that your friend likes can be a challenge. To make this task easier for all players, people can write wish ideas on paper next to their name, or use a wishlist in the MySanta service. Thus, all your friends will receive the presents they want, and all Santas will not have to puzzle over choosing a gift.

Feeling stuck? Consider these practical gift ideas: 

Secret Santa gift ideas for friends
1. Long charging cable 10. Funny socks
2. Mini waffle maker 11. Desktop vacuum cleaner
3. Mug warmer 12. Set of hand creams
4. Extra virgin olive oil 13. Scented candles
5. Cozy blanket 14. Makeup brush set
6. Rechargeable hand warmer 15. House plant
7. Funny notebook 16. Fleece slippers
8. Massage gun 17. Board game
9. Screen magnifier for smartphone 18. AirPods case    

How To Exchange Gifts in Secret Santa? 

If you play in person, everyone brings the wrapped present to the host of the party. Bring your present secretly so that other guests cannot see it and reveal the mystery before time. The host then places all gifts under the Christmas tree or at the table. Each player takes their gift, unwraps it and guesses who got them a present. 

In the online game, players send gifts by mail or a delivery service. For example, Amazon offers the option to ship your gift anonymously so that the recipient won’t know who it came from. On the exchange day, schedule a video call with friends when everyone will exchange gifts and have fun! 

Printable Checklist To Organize Secret Santa With Friends

Want to stay on top of everything when organizing the Secret Santa game? Use our checklist to make your gift exchange a success: 

Secret Santa rules for friends

Tips for a Smooth and Fun Gift Exchange With Friends 

Plan early

Christmas holidays are busy – people buy presents for everyone, decorate their homes, and maybe play Secret Santa with coworkers and other groups. It’s best to plan your gift exchange a month or two ahead. Thus, everyone will have time to choose a thoughtful present and prepare for the festivities. 

Set a reasonable budget 

Exchanging presents of the same value will help you avoid frustrations and keep the exchange equal. Choose a comfortable gift value for your group and encourage everyone to exchange gifts of this amount.

Bring wrapped presents 

Each player should bring a wrapped gift with a gift recipient’s name. When choosing a present, take the cost of wrapping and the Christmas card into account. Nobody should see who brought each gift to keep the mystery.

Organize the gift exchange party

Plan your Christmas celebration and the gift exchange early. Decide who hosts the party, who brings food and drinks, and plan the party activities besides the gift exchange. You can play Christmas bingo, have a game night, make ornaments, run contests, or simply watch movies, whatever works for your group. If you give presents by mail, schedule a video call and encourage everyone to open their present and guess their Santa. 

Also Read:
10 ideas for a fun Christmas party with friends
10 ideas for a fun Christmas party with friends


How do you play virtual Secret Santa with friends?

Online gift exchanges are great to stay in touch with friends who live far away. You can play Secret Santa remotely with our MySanta online tool. Add players to the game via link and draw names to find out who gives a present to whom. People send gifts by email rather than handing it in person. On the exchange day, schedule a video call where everyone will open a present and guess their Secret Santa.

How to organize Secret Santa for a group of friends with kids?

Let the kids in your group play Secret Santa separately and exchange age-appropriate gifts. Organize a dual gift exchange, set different budgets and gift themes for each exchange. To make the exchange more fun for your little ones, add fun activities like a small treasure hunt or holiday bingo. Thus, you will make the event enjoyable for everyone.

What are some fun ways to reveal your Secret Santa?

Here are some reveal Secret Santa ideas for a group of friends. They will add more fun and excitement to the reveal:

  1. Play a guessing game where each giver shares hints or riddles about themselves
  2. Reveal with a photo - participants share a childhood photo and recipients guess who it might be
  3. Reveal with a balloon - add the gift giver's name and confetti inside of the balloon.

How to set budget for Secret Santa with friends?

Typically, Secret Santa gifts range from $10 to $30, depending on what amount is comfortable for your group. If you are students who live on a budget, buying presents worth $10 or exchanging homemade gifts is a way to go. If everyone can afford to spend more, then be it. Prioritize creative, thoughtful gifts over pricey ones.

How to keep Secret Santa engaging for a small group of friends?

Secret Santa can be fun even with 5-6 players. To liven up the exchange, introduce gift themes and add interactive elements. You can play a guessing game or make each giftee answer trivia questions to earn their gifts. Use group traditions and inside jokes to make the event feel truly heartwarming and special for your little group.

What if someone forgets to bring a gift?

Nobody should live the Secret Santa party empty-handed! Prepare a couple of extra gifts that the host can give on the spot in case some players are left without presents. In the MySanta app, you can track gift progress and remind players to buy gifts before the due date.

Can you re-gift in Secret Santa?

It is okay to re-gift old presents in Secret Santa if the item is new and matches the recipient's needs. Avoid re-gifting presents that are outdated or too personal (such as underwear or dietary supplements). As long as you re-gift with intention and the item suits the recipient, re-gifting is appropriate.

Organizing Secret Santa with friends can liven up your Christmas party and help you exchange thoughtful presents on a budget. Choose a creative gift theme, decorate the place, and think about engaging party activities that will create heartwarming memories.